Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Compass Centre blog of the week: settling back in to our routined sessions, vocational studies project and physical education

Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 3:39pm

Happy Friday everyone!

We hope you all had a great Easter break! 

This week in the Compass Centre we have been settling back into our regular routined sessions including aerobics, sensory circuits, active numeracy and literacy. In addition to these sessions, we have also been taking the time to embrace the sunshine! Our learners have been making use of both the Compass Centre play area, as well as the adventure playground near main school - and have all enjoyed taking turns on the basket swing, sharing different equipment and socialising ?

To prepare for the term ahead, some of our functional learners have been working alongside their Sixth Form peers in their vocational taster sessions to come up with ideas and research relating to outdoor accessories that we could produce. In groups, our students printed off some ideas and categorised the similarities to which they then made a mood board of ideas. Some ideas included decorating plant pots in different designs, and others involved painting stones and creating bird feed balls. Well done everyone!

To add further to the highlights this week, some of our sensory learners have begun attending a weekly PE session in the hall alongside their peers. This week, we moved our body to warm up by dancing and then we worked as a team to match the different coloured bean bags to their corresponding coloured hoops. To further their team work and socialisation skills, some of our learners have also taken part in a new communication lesson - which will take place each day. In these sessions, the learners taking part will work together when playing games that relate to enhancing their active mathematics, phonics and literacy knowledge. This week we introduced our learners to colours (following on from their PE session).


Well done everyone, we had a great week! 

We hope you have a lovely weekend ??

The Compass Centre. 

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