Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Compass Centre

Our Compass Centre is a unique provision for students with ASD, complex communication needs, social, emotional and mental health difficulties and complex behaviours. We pride ourselves on creating positive outcomes for these young people and equipping them with the skills to function effectively within their home environment and the wider community. Our curriculum is focussed on communication development, functional skills, social and emotional development, improving physical and mental health and teaching our students how to regulate their sensory systems effectively. We have a large support team within the Compass Centre who are all highly skilled practitioners and are able to support all students in their behaviour for learning to access an appropriate curriculum to meet their very complex needs. We have regular support and consultancy from the Paediatric Learning Disabilities Team, Occupational Therapy, Children’s Physiotherapy, sensory consultant, Speech and Language Therapy and our Lead Practitioner. 


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29 Station Road, Kirkham, Preston, PR4 2HA
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