Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

What Parents Say

"I just wanted to say another huge 'Thank you' to everyone at Pear Tree for making my daughter's time at school, such a memorable and fulfilling experience.
We really could not have chosen a better school for her all those years ago and will always hold school and so many of you fondly in our hearts." 

"My son was only at Pear Tree for a short period of time, but he's flourished and matured so much in that time; my only regret is that he didn't come to Pear Tree sooner. Thank you for taking the time and effort to provide an outstanding Curriculum solely to meet his needs."


"Learning Life skills are so important to young people like my son and he's definitely moving on with new skills I never thought he'd achieve. His trips on the train, shopping, Borwick hall (swimming in the canal) etc. have all added to an amazing school experience and they're skills he'll carry on his onward journey through life."

"When my daughter arrived, she wouldn’t attend rehearsals and had to have a teacher bring her onto stage. She’s now doing two parts in the School Show and has achieved an “Inspiration Award."


"The difference is amazing- a different girl! She did the World of Work week and experienced different job roles and came out beaming!"


"Pear Tree plays a major role in my daughter's life. She loves school and this is because the school staff really get her. I feel confident sending her to school because I know she will be safe, she will have fun learning and will be around people that care about her."


"My child has recently started at Peartree. He has been so warmly welcomed and settled in so quickly. As a family we have equally been very welcomed and looked after too! Thank you to everyone at Peartree."


"My son has been at Pear Tree since the age of 4. They bring out the best in him, making him the best version of himself he can be"


"Pear Tree has provided a safe and nurturing environment for my son, whilst supporting and encouraging him to reach his potential and thrive"
"I've no connection with Pear Tree other than before I retired I worked for LCC and in the past had given talks about benefits to Parents so knew about your school. I wanted to contact you though to pass some positive feedback on about someone I'm assuming is a member of your team.
I was on a train from Poulton last week going to York and a man got on at Kirkham with 3 young people who I'm assuming are students at Pear Tree. We didn't talk to the group but we were sat close by and could hear the interaction. We were so impressed with the way that the staff member was with the students, he was patient, explained everything to them carefully, was chatty and having fun with them but it was also clear that he was authoritative in a calm supportive way. My husband and I talked about it after they'd got off the train and really felt that any parent would be delighted to know that their child is being treated with so much care and respect.
Could you please pass our comments on to the staff member. He is an absolutely fantastic ambassador for your school (and we're not related to him honest!!)"

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29 Station Road, Kirkham, Preston, PR4 2HA
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