Sixth Form Curriculum
The post 16 curriculum is bespoke to meeting the individual needs of each student and their transition into adulthood. Each student has a personalised timetable centred around the options that they have elected to take for the academic year and as part of this, access courses at local colleges within their chosen vocational areas. All learners participate in learning about the world of work with formal work placements being provided to meet individualised needs and aspirations of those that this is appropriate for.
Alongside the Sixth Form curriculum, our learners may also need specialist provision in physio, OT, hydrotherapy, sensory integration, communication, rebound therapy and sensory learning. Within the Sixth Form we continue to adopt a multi-agency approach to meeting the teaching and learning needs of our learners.
Curriculum Focus
The curriculum is designed to prepare each learner for adulthood. The personalised curriculum is responsive to the needs of each student and changes at the start of the academic year based on the vocational options that students make.
The Sixth Form curriculum places an emphasis on independence and preparation for adulthood by developing skills for:
- Employment and future options
- Healthy lifestyle
- Being a part of the community
- Life at home
Please click on the following link for more information on our Sixth Form Curriculum