Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do


Safeguarding Toolkit

Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and staff at Pear Tree receive regular training and updates to ensure they are able to safeguard children and know how to spot the signs that a child or young person may be at risk. If you have any concerns about a child or young person’s well being then please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) in school. The DSLs are Kate Walker, Rebecca Warnock, Vicky Farish, Rachel Keighley and Alice Holden. Please see the photographs below of our DSLs and Chair of Governors.

Our Safeguarding Policies can be found below.

Education Act 2002

Working Together to Safeguard Children

Keeping Children Safe in Education

What to do if you are worried a child is being abused

The Children Act 1989

The Children Act 2004

CSE Guidance

Sexting Guidance


Searching, Screening and Confiscation Advice

Sexual violence and sexual harassment between children

Managing Allegations


Contact Us We would love to hear from you!

29 Station Road, Kirkham, Preston, PR4 2HA
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