Curriculum Leads
SENCO- Kate Walker
Whole School Curriculum Lead - Rebecca Warnock
Literacy - Craig Schofield
Maths - Vicky Farish and Chloe Slater (Pre-formal learners)
Communication - Chloe Slater
Science - Chris Worden
PSD/Relationships & Sex Education - Will Norris
Early Years - Craig Schofield
Sixth Form - Tom Simpkins
Compass Centre - Vicky Farish and Beth Riley
Computing - Tom Simpkins
Humanities (Georgraphy, History, R.E., MFL) - Emily Patisso and Jemma Manning
M.A.D.D. (Music, Art, Drama, Dance) - Alex Haley and Anna Szuminska
P.E. - Sam Griffin
D.T. - Chris Worden