Family Support Worker
My name is Rachel Keighley and I am the Family Support Worker and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) in school.
My role in school is to provide support, advice and information to the families within our school community. I can help you with any worries that you may have in relation to your child's education, behaviour and wellbeing. I am also here as someone to talk to and provide support and guidance around different aspects of home life, signposting you to external agencies and charities who may offer additional support.
I can meet with you in school or at home if preferred, at a time that suits you, during my working hours. My working hours are:
Monday and Friday: 8am to 4pm
Wednesday: 8am to 3.45pm
Advice and support is confidential and will not be shared unless your consent has been given, and will only be shared on a need to know basis. All concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. If you have any safeguarding concerns do not hesitate to contact me.
How to get in touch:
Please call the school office on 01772 683609 to make an appointment, pop in and I will be happy to see you as soon as I can, or ask your child's teacher to pass on a message.
If someone working with your child in school feels that you may benefit from some extra support, I may ask to speak to you discreetly to find out if I can be of any help. Support will only be provided if you feel you need it.
I have my own office separate to the main school, in The Meeting Place building to the right hand side of the front car park.
I can also be contacted via email:
I may not have all the answers, but hopefully I can help you to work out how to find them!
What types of support I can offer:
The aim of my role is to support families to ensure the best outcomes for their children. This might involve:
- Supporting parents and carers with housing/finance issues and applications.
- Taking the lead on Early Help support, completing an Early Help Assessment and, if necessary, making a request for additional support, signposting to other agencies who have expertise in relevant areas, such as, the Learning Disability Team, Children’s Family Wellbeing Service Intensive Support Team, Occupational Health, Children With Disabilities CSC, and many more.
- Supporting parents and carers in improving children’s punctuality and attendance.
- Supporting attendance at meetings.
- Supporting parents or carers and pupils with any educational, behavioural, well-being or other concerns that they may have, offering support and guidance and signposting to professionals who can offer support.
- Working alongside parents and carers to improve children’s behaviour, working closely with school and other professionals.
- Supporting children and their parents or carers with issues that may arise such as bereavement, separation and divorce, poor mental health, family breakdown, alcohol and drug misuse and the impact these may have at home.
- Listening to parents/carers and families, understanding and appreciating their concerns, offering suggestions and signposting to other agencies where appropriate for support.
To access immediate advice around the Early Help Assessment and useful sites which offer support see link below: