Compass Centre blog of the week: winding down for the Christmas break
Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 9:47am
Happy Thursday everyone,
We hope you have all had a fanstatic week 😁
This week in the Compass Centre, we have been slowly winding down for the Christmas break.
Each learner has continued their routined sessions including: active literacy and numeracy, attention autism, Sherborne and sensory circuits. During attention autism this week, we have focused on the topic 'winter'. Our learners have thoroughly enjoyed engaging in stage one attention autism, watching glitter and snow fall from the sky, as well as participating in stage two and three, choosing and then creating their own glitter snowflakes and making a huge 'splat' with foam snowmen ☃️
Many of our learners are becoming more confident in their communication and engagement with peers and familiar members of staff, which is amazing to see. Our learners have been embracing all learning activities given to them and will engage positively in sharing and team work related activities 😁
Well done Compass Centre! We hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas break and we will see you in the New Year 😊
The Compass Centre Team ❤️