Elm Tree Class Blog 08/09/2023
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:51pm
Welcome back to the new school year and welcome back to the new look Elm Tree Class. We will be keeping you abreast with the latest goings on in class this year, so keep coming back to see all the hard work we have been doing each week.
This week we have started reading our class story The Night Dragon by Naomi Howarth. It is a beautiful story where a dragon called Maud learns to fly and breathe fire and smoke to make the most wonderful sunsets with all the colours of the rainbow.
In numeracy we are learning about counting and number bonds to 10. We are really good at counting up to 20, but we are finding counting up to 100 a bit tricky rightnow, but with practice we will be really good at it at the end of term.
Friday was the inspiration day for this term's theme which is New Beginnings. The hall was set up with lots of exciting activites including painting and uilding blocks to make our version of the Eiffel Tower. Our favourite was drinking chocolat chaud and eating brioche au chocolat!
That's all for this week, see you next later!
Elm Tree Oak