Oak Tree Class: Money, money, money!
Date: 21st Mar 2025 @ 3:28pm
Happy Friday everyone!
We have had an incredibly exciting week in Oak Tree this week!
In PSD we looked at climate change, and melted ice to show how climate change is changing penguin's and polar bear's habitats! We used a hairdryer to melt the ice and act as the sun, and discussed how it makes us feel. We also enjoyed singing a song all about climate change!
In RE, we acted out our class story of The Good Samaritan and have shown how well we understood the story. We also discussed how things are right or wrong and we are incredibly confident with answering these questions now.
In Vocational, we have been learning about retail. We have been loving our sensory story, smelling things you can buy in a shop such as shampoo and conditioner, coffee, and much more! We also made a fact file about a job role in a shop that we wanted to learn more about. We had lots of pupils researching bakers, butchers, and many more. We did this quite independently and loved learning about it.
In Numeracy we have continued to learn about money. This week we opened Oak Tree shop and enjoyed applying our skills and knowledge about money to something more practical. I am so impressed with how hard everyone tried and how confident the pupils are becoming.
In Literacy, we have continued to read Jack and the Beanstalk. To check our understanding, Leah removed parts of the story and quizzed us to see if we knew what was missing. The children did an incredible job of telling me what was missing and have an incredible understanding of the story now. We are looking forward to learning more about playscripts next week and begin to write our own.
Finally, on Friday we enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day! We loved Kate's assembly and have been making each other laugh all day, which is what Red Nose Day is all about. We loved wearing our red noses and creating our own. In Numeracy we even did a Red Nose Day numeracy challenge!
We hope everyone has a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!
The Oak Tree class team ♥