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Pine Tree Class: A jam-packed fortnight

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 3:42pm

Hi everyone!

We have been so busy this fortnight with lots of different lessons and activities. We have been doing Makaton, Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Music!

In our Makaton lesson, some of our students have been reading a story about animals and their different funny hobbies. We have been learning the signs for the animals and hobbies, some of the animals we learned signs for were tiger, bee, chicken, cat and more. Some of our other students have been reading a sensory story with lots of engaging items such as a water spray, a whistle and a variety of hats! 

In Literacy, we have been reading 'The Light in the Night', it's a book about friendships, bravery and overcoming fears. The students have been using their communication boards to say what is happening on the page and beginning to predict what is coming next. 

In Numeracy, we have been focusing on measuring and capacity. The students have been using multilink cubes and weighing scales to measure the weight of different objects such as, a pen, an orange, a book and even a carton of milk. They have then been counting how many cubes they used and comparing which items are heavier or lighter. 

In Science, we have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. We have been focusing on ice cubes and placing them in different locations to see if they melted or not. We found out that if an ice cube stays in the freezer, then it would still present as an ice cube. If it was put in the fridge then it would melt a little bit. We also put one in the oven and it had turned to water when it came out! 

Finally, in Music, the students have been pretending to blow up balloons and then they went pop when they were too big! We have also been focusing on long and short sounds. A drum makes a short sound whereas a triangle makes a long sound - the students were great at guessing which sounds were which. This lesson was concluded by conducting for each other, we had to listen to the conductor and play and stop when they told us to. 

Have a restful weekend, see you next week!

Pine Tree Class :) 

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