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Ancient Egypt in Pine Tree class

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 3:30pm

In our History lessons this half-term, we have been learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. We have looked at pictures of lots of different historical monuments, and how Egypt looks today. We have been learning about the different Ancient Egyptian Gods, and how they have heads with animal features. We have talked about the Pharaohs, especially Tutankhamun as he was the same age as us when he was Pharaoh. We have explored hieroglyphics and seen how the Ancient Egyptians used symbols and pictures to tell stories – realising that we have some things in common with the Ancient Egyptians. Everyone really enjoyed turning each other and the teachers into Egyptian Mummies.

Have a lovely half term break, have fun, stay safe and we can’t wait to hear all about it.

Love everyone at Pine Tree class 😊

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