Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Seedlings1 - Animals and their environments!

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 10:46am

This week in Seedlings 1 we have the exploring our theme 'People Who Help Us'. This weeks focus has been 'Vets'. We have had  'Pet Sop' set up with all of our animals favourite toys and food, a vets x-ray station set up where we have been looking at different animals skelatons against the light box and we have been getting messy in the paint to design our own fish!

We have also been exploring our outside environment and the animals that live in them, we have had our magnifiying glasess out trying to spot some minibeats. We have also had muddy animals outside where we have been giving them a warm soapy bath to clean them off. 

In our 'Attention Autism' sessions we have been looking at animals and their different habitats. We have been letting ballons go and seeing what animal is inside each balloon in our second stage of the program. We have then been matching each animal to their correct correct habitits. this has consisted of coco power mud, water and grass!

The children have had another amazing week and we look forward to more adventures , have a wonderful weekend.













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