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Busy Week in Pine Tree

Date: 15th May 2023 @ 9:31am

This week in Pine Tree class we have been extremely busy, albeit with only four days in school due to the Kings Coronation Bank Holiday. This week we have completed our learning in Numeracy around the topic of Data Handling, in Literacy continued our retelling of the story ‘Part of the Party’ using the Talk for Writing approach, whilst some have been exploring different props associated with key events and listening to the story, others have been sequencing the story pictures, whilst composing their own sentences/ key words to retell the story in their own words. Furthermore we enjoyed a visit to our local church St Michaels, to meet Father Richard who then led a music session incorporating various instruments from around the world. This was a fantastic experience and it was great to create another link within our school community moving forward! 


Have a lovely weekend and hopefully the sun will be shining. 


Love everyone in Pine Tree Class :-)

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