Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Compass Centre blog of the week: community experiences

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 3:40pm

We have been super busy in the Compass Centre this week - alongside our routine sessions including attention autism, sensory circuits, aerobics and bounce, some of our learners had the opportunity to participate in a community trip to a fishing centre, where they learnt the essential information they needed to gain and then had a go themselves!

Linking to opportunities in the community, one of our learners regularly takes part in a work placement role at My Step Up Farm. My Step Up Farm is a care farm for adults with learning difficulties - they offer fun, outdoor activities and encourage learners to be physically and mentally active. One of our students who access this opportunity enjoys looking after all the animals and using his mathematical skills to buy his own lunch with the certain amount of money he is given. The aim of this experience is to increase sociability, resilience, independence and have a positive impact on the health and well-being of all members taking part - it has been noticeable that the learner that accesses My Step Up Care Farm has enhanced each of the skills above, as well as their confidence.


Well done everyone!

We hope you all have a great weekend ?

The Compass Centre

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