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Compass Centre Blog of the week : healthy eating and festivals

Date: 11th Jun 2024 @ 3:53pm

Happy Tuesday everyone,

We hope you have all had a fantastic half term break!

This week we have been settling back into our routined sessions, including aerobics, active mathematics, literacy, attention autism and functional mathematics. This term, our topic is related to festivals and healthy eating.

We have started our festival topic in literacy by reading the book ‘Let’s Celebrate Special Days Around the World’. The book invites an experience of 13 holidays around the world, such as the Spring Festival in China, Inti Raymi in Peru and the New Yam Festival in Nigeria. We have enjoyed learning about the different festivals, alongside new Makaton Signs to describe key words within the book. At the end of the story, we experimented different musical instruments and sounds, and used our symbols to guess their names and how they made us feel. Well done everyone! 🎶

Linking to our other new topic, healthy eating, we have been introduced to different fruits in our Attention Autism sessions. During stage two, we guessed the fruits that were under the sprinkled flour, becoming familiar with their shapes and colours. Within stage three, we had a go ourselves, splatting fruits and saying their corresponding names  such as oranges, plums, grapes and pears 🍐

Good work everyone!

The Compass Centre Team

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