Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Compass Centre blog of the week: MSI communication, attention autism and Community Action Group

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 3:58pm

Happy Friday everyone; we hope you have all have had a fantastic week!


This week in the Compass Centre, we have all been working hard in all of our routine sessions. Such sessions included our numeracy attention autism lesson where our learners looked at numbers up to five and demonstrated their understanding by taking part in a game of ‘number splash’. Each learner used a water balloon to aim at the number they chose and made a big splash! Everyone was thoroughly engaged and enjoyed communicating their preferred choices and using their knowledge of different numbers. In addition, some of our learners took part in an MSI communication session to ensure they were regulated and ready to learn. This sensory session involved a variety of fluorescent lights and glow in the dark materials to explore. Calming music was also provided to create a soothing atmosphere.


In addition, some of our functional learners, within their Community Action Groups, took part in a walk around Fair-haven Lake. The participation in this walk was as a contribution to the miles that are being walked for raising money for charity. Each learner has a great time socialising, getting fresh air and learning about how to keep safe in the community. After the walk, the group spoke about different aspects of how we can contribute positively including, recycling and different charities and what they do. Everyone completed amazing work and worked very well together.


Well done everyone!


We hope you all have a lovely weekend ?


The Compass Centre team.

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