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Maple Tree Class: Maple get Spooky!

Date: 31st Oct 2024 @ 4:02pm

Someone say spooky season?

Its official Halloween has arrived in Maple Tree! We've loved every minute of it, we've had halloween counting, Halloween mark marking, Halloween stories!

safe to say we've been in the spooky mood.

In literacy we've been having fun getting down and dirty in the shaving foam, mark making. We were making spiders, ghosts and even pumpkins.

In numeracy we've been working on our counting skills but of course, we made it spooky. We had Halloween based counting sheets and a few cauldron cauldron number bonds. 

Last but definitely not the least, THE HALLOWEEN PARTY! 
we had Halloween games like turing our friends into zombies ( classic wrapping them in loo roll) and who could stick the spider on the web the best (some cheating was involved, not everyone necessarily threw the spider as much as they simply placed it on the web.)

Not forgetting the Halloween buffee, the spooky based foods went down quicker than you could say "AHH A GHOST"

We did have a few sour sweets, and safe to say faces were pulled, but not to worry that didn't deter them.


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