Happy Day Enterprise
Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 8:39am
This week, in our sixth form enterprise lesson, we have been working towards making and selling something for our pupils to have a treat. Over the past few weeks the pupils have been working in teams to think of a name and a logo for our enterprise and we came up with Happy Day Enterprises. The pupils also worked in their teams to think of things to make and sell. As a class we came up with sweet bouquets. We encouraged the pupils to do some research on how much the items would cost to make, the students came up with a price of £7 and began to make them. In this weeks lesson we made the sweet bouquets to sell.
Hope you all have a lovely half term and get up to lots of fun!
If you would like to purchase one of our sweet bouquets then please let us know. Thankyou!