Oak Tree Class Blog 10/03/23
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 3:33pm
Hi everyone,
Oak Tree Class have had another busy week, we have all been working really hard.
First of all, a big thank you to the parents that came to the open afternoon. It was lovely to see you and we hope you enjoyed the soda bread we made.
We are learning about Buddhism in RE this half term. Some pupils are exploring the different things that are on a Buddhist shrine, the favourite objects are the golden Buddha statue and the scented candle linked to flowers. Some pupils are reading a story called The Monkey King, and they are answering questions about what happens in the story using a variety of communication aids and devices. Some pupils are learning about Buddhism by reading the story of Buddha this week.
We tried to carry out a balloon rocket investigation in science too this week, but it was a total failure! We couldn't get the ballons to travel along the string, so we thought of what we could change to make it better. Hopefully we will have some photos of it next week.
Have a great week from everyone in Oak Tree Class.