Oak Tree Class Blog 21/04/23
Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 1:51pm
Hi everybody, and welcome back to the summer term in OaK Tree Class.
Our first week back has been very exciting as we have been doing lots of fun activities linked to Famliies which is this term's topic. We have made rainbow fruit kebabs which were really scrummy, and a big tactile rainbow almost independently.
We had a Zumba session in the hall which we all had a dance to lots of funky tunes and we made a memory box covered in pictures of our favourite things.
We have designed and coloured a rainbow t-shirt and today we have drawn a poster of everyone in our family.
All the lovely things we have made this week are coming home in the memory boxes the pupils have made. Please feel free to add more memories including photos of things you enjoy doing and places you like to go.
Have a great weekend,
Oak Tree Class pupils and staff.