Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Seedlings: First Term

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 3:22pm

Wow, what an amazing first half term we have had in Seedlings. We are extremely proud of how our new pupils have settled into our school and have made fantastic relationships with our class staff. This half term the children have worked very hard on understanding the new routines in class, communicating their needs and wants, and showing increasing confidence exploring the environment.  

The children have shown excellent attention skills whilst taking part in Attention Autism sessions including the following: 

  • Watching as Alice splatted 5 currant buns; 
  • Enjoyed listening to the relaxing sounds of cornflour rain; 
  • Getting messy with the lemonade fountains; 

We hope you enjoy looking at some of the pictures of our first six weeks in school.

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