Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Seedlings: Messy Day 3/3/23

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 8:34am

This week has been a particularly messy one. The children have been exploring our classroom provision which consisted of flour trays, soil bug trays, foam spider trays and herb trays.

We started off the week welcoming some of our parents to our open afternoon. They got to see how much the children enjoy our attention autism sessions, it was lovely to see you all.

With the weather warming up the children have enjoyed spending time outside getting messy with sand and water. Some children have also built on their physical development skills throwing balls and bouncing on trampolines.

This weeks attention autism has been linked to our nature and growth theme. In stage two Alice popped five balloons to find the flys, the children did great anticipation waiting for the ‘pop’ and in stage three the children expanding on their turn taking skills splatting fly cupcakes.

Another lovely week Seedlings.

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