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Seedlings: Nature Week

Date: 23rd Feb 2023 @ 3:54pm

This half terms theme is growth, nature and bugs. Our continuous provision will consist off exploring with soil and bug trays, sand, spaghetti and mini beast and incy wincy spider trays.

The song of the term is ‘if you’re happy and you know it’ which links to our maths target of patterns within sound, which the children have really enjoyed dancing and moving their bodies to.

Our activity of the week has been linked to our literacy target were the children have been beginning to understand the cause and effect of mark making within paint and on the interactive boards. The children have been making prints with different leaves and potato shapes.

The children have really enjoyed this weeks attention autism which has been foamy flower pots, they particularly enjoyed it when the foam explored all over Alice.

Well Seedlings what a lovely first week back.



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