Sixth Form Fun
Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 4:01pm
Our community engagement group have been learning about crazy golf. They have been working on their technique in the classroom as well as the importance of turn taking and counting each stroke to keep the score. Following this they have been exploring community crazy golf courses to put their new skills into practise. The engineering group have been learning about the engineering cycle. They have designed, built and tested the strength of bridges made of Lego and are next beginning to look at the strength of other materials in their designing process. During our sensory enterprise lessons, pupils have so far experienced a range of business services including a gym and a hair and beauty spa. They have worked on communication and anticipation skills with customers and resources in these new contexts. At the farm pupils have been finding out how to care for a range of animals from chickens to lamas and everything in between. It has all helped build knowledge for the animal fact files they are putting together.