Sixth forms busy week back
Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 2:16pm
Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely half term.
This week the students have all been very busy with lots of different activities including a trip to Brockholes nature reserve where the student's explored the outdoors and the wildlife that lived in different habitats. The students also helped the keepers create a new hedgehog house. Some of our other students went on the weekly trip to the farm, this week the students were amazing when mucking out the goats, after their amazing work the students got to hold and fly the owls. A small group of students went into kirkham to practice for kirkham Lanton festival where we have been given the opportunity to learn some dances that we are going to perform on Saturday 2nd march for the public. During our community engagement lesson the students have been going to the reuse hub. This week the students have been getting involved in sorting out items for a family in need to use.