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Technology Is All Around Us in Pine Tree

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 1:29pm

This week in Pine Tree Class we have really enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities and learning during our Computing lesson.
We have been identifying and sorting pictures of different hardware from a choice of items and discussing how they know whether something is technology.
Following on from this a small group had a walk around school taking photographs on their iPads of technology they identified that we use within school.
Others accessed the Helpkidzlearn website to create onscreen effects, played songs on the interactive whiteboard developing their understanding of 'cause and effect' and also used switches to operate light up and movement toys.
One group was supported in accessing the class email account and sending and responding accordingly to emails to each other, whilst learning how to keep safe when using the internet by always asking a responsible adult before sharing or accessing anything we are unsure of. 
Have a great weekend.
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