The Compass Centre blog of the week: winding down for half term and fire safety
Date: 25th May 2023 @ 2:10pm
Happy Thursday everyone, we hope you are having a great week so far!
This week in the Compass Centre, our sensory learners have been continuing with their routine sessions including active mathematics, sensory story, aerobics, sensory circuits and swing therapy. Our learners have been making the most of the sunshine and have been taking some of their sessions outside, including heavy work. In addition, our pupils have been participating and working exceptionally well in their regular Attention Autism lessons - where most of our learners have reached stage three (learning how to correctly take turns in interactive activities, enhancing their social skills). This week within Attention Autism, our learners became familiar with the word ‘splat’ through independently letting an ice cream in an cone fall on to a mat. Well done everyone!
In addition, some of our functional learners have been spending a lot of their time within Sixth Form. This week, they have joined in with a session on fire safety, where fire safety experts came in to talk to the students about what we can do to keep safe during the event of a fire. There were lots of fun activities that everyone engaged well in, including analysing pictures and scenarios, smelling different scents, picking out different resources and thinking about whether they may be dangerous or not, reenacting ‘stop, drop and roll’, crawling under a blanket (learning that heat and smoke rises) and trying on various different types of fire fighter equipment. Lots of enjoyment was had in this session, well done all ?
We hope you all have a wonderful half term break, we look forward to greeting you back on Thursday 8th June!
The Compass Centre team ?