Welcome Back Oak Tree!
Date: 9th Sep 2024 @ 9:25am
Hello and Welcome back!
We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break! We were very excited to welcome all the pupils back into school on Wednesday and it was lovely seeing their happy, excited smiling faces.
We have hit the ground running with our topics and have introduced our new topics of work. In Literacy, we are reading and learning about 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' by C.S Lewis. The pupils have started to develop their understanding of the story by looking at the different pages and creating short sentences about what is happening. In Numeracy, we have started learning about capacity and volume and will be developing our understanding of measuring in both non-standard and standard units.
Finally, our creative curriculum topic this half term is 'All about me'. This week in Computing, the class have been developing and showing off their amazing technology skills by beginning to create a PowerPoint including all the things they like.
Have a good week!
Sam and the Oak Tree Class Team.