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Pine Tree Class: Welcome back!

Date: 1st Nov 2024 @ 8:50am

Welcome back everybody!

It's been lovely to see all our pupils happy faces again this week. We have been right back in to our school routines and busy in our lessons. 

Our theme this half term is 'Explorers', so we have been doing lots of exploratory activites in our lessons. We have been learning about Space to link to our Inspiration Day which is on Friday. We have been using rockets and watching them shoot up to the ceiling and then we have been continuing this and making our own rockets with straws to give some power! 

We have also been taking part in some different Halloween activites, we have made skeletons using straws and then explored pumpkins - it was very sticky and messy! 

We are looking forward to continue with this topic! IMG_9272.JPG

Love Pine Tree ClassIMG_9284.JPGIMG_9244.JPG

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