World of work week in Oak Tree Class
Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 3:22pm
What a fantastic week we have had in Oak Tree class experiencing all things work related.
We started the week with an amazing 3D printing workshop. Here we learnt how they make plastic moulds for an advert calendar. We had the opportunity to use the 3D printer to design and make our own moulds and then used the vacuum machine to produce these. Finally we got to make our very own Christmas chocolates. We definitely had fun and learnt lots about this industry.
The rest of the week the pupils have been engaging in many different vocational areas. We started by learning all about painting and decorating. The pupils learnt how to use to masking tape to create effects, different painting effects and also had the opportunity to practice their skills at hanging wallpaper.
They have also learnt all about catering making some delicious food including a mars bar and marshmallow tray bake. As well as catering, the pupils have tried their hand at construction designing and making towers using art straws and Jenga blocks as well as creating a huge marble run.
We have finished the week with a fantastic drama workshop and learning all about how to look after ourselves including hoovering and making a bed.
This has been an excellent week learning all about the World of Work!
Have a good weekend!
Oak Tree Class.