Oak Tree Class: Fractions and Creative Art
Elm Tree Class: A very busy week!
Bay Tree Class: Where the Wild Things are
Maple Tree Class: Dreams
Oak Tree Class: Welcome Back!
Bay Tree Class: Welcome back!
Seedlings: Snow week
Maple Tree Class: Welcome back & Snow day!
Sixth Form: Welcome back!
Pine Tree Class: Happy New Year!
Compass Centre: New Year, New Sensory Story!
Maple Tree Class: It’s Christmas Time!
Elm Tree Class: An exciting end to the term
Bay Tree Class: An exciting week!
Pine Tree Class: End of Term Fun!
Seedlings: Christmas Dinner
Bay Tree Class: Week of Fun
Sixth Form: World of Work Week
Bay Tree: Festive Week
Pine Tree Class: People who help us
Seedlings: The Lonely Polar Bear
Maple Tree: Art
Oak Tree Class: World of Work Week
Pine Tree Class: Viking Warriors!
Bay Tree Class: Weather Week