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Amazing Science in Bay Tree Class!

In Bay Tree class this week, we have enjoyed being amazing investigators! We have recently started our new Science topic where we have been learning all about the human body! We have absolutely loved taking part in a range of interactive games, songs and activities too. Firstly, we introduced our topic by singing and naming the different body parts and then demonstrating how they’re used; such as using our hands for clapping and mouths for singing.

Next, we enjoyed exploring our senses by feeling different materials, smelling and tasting different foods and listening to different sound buttons too. We also enjoyed playing our Body Parts guessing game, where we had clues and pictures to help us work out what body part was on the interactive whiteboard. Lastly, we had fun working together to complete the body jigsaws and we even drew around our friends and labelled our own life size body diagram! We all engaged really well this week and have demonstrated some amazing team work and shown what fantastic scientists we are in BayTree class!


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