Coming Up
Before we look at this half term, we want to fill you in on last week. We have started a new whole school curriculum theme, All About Me. It was good fun to find out what we already knew about ourselves and celebrated how we look, what we can do and the things that we like. We spent the week creating self portraits and posters about ourselves. We also did other activities to find out our talents and shared this in the Inspiration Assembly on Friday.
For the rest of the half term we will be using the theme, where possible, in our learning across other subjects. Our planned learning for this half term is:
- Literacy – Using the story of the Gruffalo to then write our own thinking about what we look like and how we act.
- Numeracy – For the first few weeks we will be focussing on addition and subtraction. We will end the half term learning about shapes
- Science – Our topic is plants and we will be learning how to grow plants, what they need and the names of the different parts
- RE – We will learn about the Christian ritual of Holy Communion
- Geography – We will find out about different features and cultures with North and South America
- Art – Our artist focus is Eva Rothschild and we will be creating structures in different environments
- PSD- This half term we will focus on our mental health and wellbeing, looking at ways to feel positive about ourselves and what makes us feel happy and calm
As well as this we will still have weekly PE and Music sessions to continue our learning there.
We are looking forward to a great half term
Maple Class Team x x x