Seedlings Continue To Explore!
We have all settled in so well and are continuing to build relationships with our class staff. All the staff are extremely proud of how we have settled in to our new environment and how we are beginning to learn the routines of the classroom.
This week we have enjoyed sensory music with Alice, singing along to ‘5 currant buns’ and ‘rain, rain, go away’. The children have enjoyed splatting the 5 foam buns and sitting under an umbrella with Kirsty as Alice squirts it with water. We have enjoyed listening to the rain against the umbrella and feeling the rain as it runs down.
This week our class staff have been looking at how we are expressing our emotions and have set up lots of activities that we are interested in so we can express our excitement and joy! We have also been working on our understanding of language, beginning to show improved responses when an adult says our name and following instructions through symbols or objects.