Time flies when you
We have been very busy in Pine Tree class this week. In our Numeracy lessons we have been learning all about time and how to tell the time to the hour and half past. We have worked in groups, taking part in activities matching the time on clocks to the picture cards, sequencing key events of the day using our daily timetable symbols, routines at home, getting up for school, breakfast, bed time and looking at different types of clocks and the sounds they make. In our PSD lessons we have been learning about prescription medication, keeping safe and what treatment is available depending on circumstances, and also the affects tobacco, alcohol and energy drinks can have on our body and health. Together we have taken part in matching games, bingo, exploring different medicine packets and the different forms that medicines come in (liquids, powder, tablets) and how these can be administered (syringes, spoons)
.We also had a fantastic Pancake Day on Tuesday tasting, smelling and exploring different Pancake toppings.