Welcome back
Welcome back Pine Tree class. We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. Our new topics for this half term.
Literacy – Story – We all belong.
Numeracy – Number, number bonds and place value (number)
Science – Living things in their environment
History – Ancient Greece
Design Technology – Food Technology (eggs)
Religious Education – Christianity/Buddhism
Citizenship – People who help us
Computing – Programming and Development
We have got off to an eggs-cellent start and have really enjoyed our Design Technology lessons finding out some facts about eggs. We have looked at all the different ways eggs can be cooked, Poached, fried, scrambled and boiled.
We have also started our Numeracy topic looking at numbers. We have been matching the correct numbers of objects to a given number, finding numbers 1-20 around school and in small groups we have been out into the local community looking for places where numbers could be found, such as door numbers, road speed signs, car number plates, and hop scotch and numbers games.