What a JOLLY exciting week!
This week we have been busy busy with our learning. We have been becoming familiar with our class story Jolly Molly Dolly which is a story based within our school and have enjoyed learning about the different aspects of Molly’s school day at Pear Tree School and the different pieces of equipment she accesses and the various Physiotherapy exercises she completes throughout the day. The students in Pine Tree have enjoyed the opportunity to use the seated weighing scales and height chart to record their weight and height as part of our Numeracy topic learning about ‘Length, Weight and Height’, along with taking part in various activities involving exploring a range of similar objects that are different sizes (weights, lengths and heights) and comparing these to each other. Others have enjoyed using both non standard units of measure (toilet rolls, paper clips and pencils) and standard units of measure (ruler – cm/ mm) to go around the classroom measuring the heights and lengths of different chosen items and then recording this. In History we have been particular motivated during our learning about The Tudors, exploring artefacts, watching videos and have learnt lots of facts and information about this period of time which we have displayed in the form of an information booklet.
We look forward to continuing our learning next week in Pine Tree.
Have a lovely weekend!
Love all the staff in Pine Tree Class