Achieving The Best We Can
In Everything We Do

Where are we?

This week in Pine Tree Class in addition to our usual subject learning, we have been developing our knowledge and understanding relating to ‘early mapping skills’ as part of our Geography learning. We have developed our exploration skills and understanding of the different resources associated to different areas within school and what happens in these areas of school, including the Swimming Pool, Library, Sensory Room, Adventure Playground, Hall, Community Room, Nurses Room amongst many more. We have looked at a range of maps of the local area and been locating and identifying places and symbols on these. In addition to this, groups of students travelled into Kirkham using their map reading skills to locate different places (buildings and landmarks) and then attached photographs of these places onto their own drawn map. We have also been developing our sense of direction, by following a range of instructions and visual prompts (floor arrows) to get to different areas within school. We have thoroughly enjoyed our learning and look forward to continuing this next week, amongst much more.

Have a fantastic weekend and wrap up warm, it is starting to get colder!

Love everyone in Pine Tree Class

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29 Station Road, Kirkham, Preston, PR4 2HA
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